Reflex App
The REFLEX Researcher Career Development Scheme Application (The REFLEX App) is the online application developed to help the research institutions, researchers and professionals assisting researchers to facilitate the process of researchers’ career development. The tool is based on the model scheme developed in the REFLEX project (find more information here). The scheme identifies key areas of researchers’ professional development and provides the examples of activities that can be carried out to support researchers in all of these areas.
Access the application here.
Find the Application User Guide here, download it as a PDF or watch a video.
Who is the REFLEX Application for?
The application can be used by different types of users:
- Institutions employing or assisting researchers that wish to develop more systematic and strategic approach to the career development (CD) of researchers.
- Researchers who want to take a more active approach to their careers and need a comprehensive but simple framework to identify the key areas of their professional development.
- Supervisors and/or career advisors and other professionals assisting career development of researchers who search for the tool helping them to structure the advice and support they provide.
How can these users benefit from the REFLEX Application?
The institutions that decide to introduce more systematic and sustainable approach to the professional development of their researchers need to analyse the state of the art of existing activities and introduce a strategic plan of how to extend or further develop these activities and how to promote them to the researchers. The REFLEX Application helps to facilitate this process by providing the platform for:
- Collaborative mapping of existing services: The editable version of the scheme can be shared with other collaborators who can contribute with the information about the activities carried out at across the institution.
- Development of a tailor-made institutional CD strategy: The tool enables adaptation of the scheme to the specific needs of the particular research institution. Predefined sub-modules can be updated, reorganised or removed and new sub-modules can be added if necessary.
- Increasing the visibility of existing services through the single presentation platform. The preview version of collected information can be shared with researchers and other external users.
Researchers and professionals assisting them can also benefit from the use of the REFLEX App in several ways:
- General scheme will help researchers to identify key areas of their career development. Researchers can also use the tool to develop their personal scheme where they can add their own notes and comments and update it anytime.
- Institutional schemes provide the researchers with a better access to the existing services. Instead of browsing through the websites of different departments, researchers can approach all services through the single interface.
Last modified: 2017-04-27